Monday, 1 April 2013

By Claire

The bob cat bounced out of nowhere tackling it's mum to the ground.  The mum fended it off and put up a chase bounding under the orange sun.  Both were so busy playing they didn't hear it... The wolverine cackled its witchy laugh. Suddenly sharp fangs sunk into the wolverine's neck.  The mum meowed to her daughter and ran ahead. She obeyed but suddenly realized they were separated! Tears sprang to her eyes.  She halted.  There was a mysterious bath with a brown lump. She got pounced on. She was  frightened. Then she smelt something:  “Mum!” she cried delighted.

1 comment:

  1. Mrs Fraser - a very descriptive piece of writing Claire. I really like the sentence ..."cackled it's witchy laugh". I also like how you have some short punchy sentences as this builds up tension for the reader.
