the murawai playground is a great place to hang out ,make new friends or PLAY!!
the murawai playground is equipped with a flying fox, spider web, mini rock wall and red spinning wheels.
murawai playground is popular so its easy to make friends. To get to the murawai playground walk pass the gym and turn around the corner and walk down the hill and there you are standing still looking at the playground.
the murawai is a cool place to hang.
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
The tree
The tree is a great place to climb and talk to your friends
and meet new friends, it is part of geis, It's one of me and my friends
favourite spots to hang out. It is a shady place to sit and talk plus it keeps
you cool. Sometimes when you’re lonely, the tree is a good place to hang out...
It keeps you company. The Dutch Elm also gives bright warmth to our school and
lights it up.
The Swimmig pool
The swimming pool is used in term 1 and 4. In term 1 we do competetive swimming where we do tryouts to be placed in group a b or group c. In term 4 we do water safty and thats where we learn how to save someone if they are drowning or how to use a life jacket.The pool is also used at luchtimes during term 1 and 4 where kids can do anthing they want .
By Shaurya
The swimming pool is used in term 1 and 4. In term 1 we do competetive swimming where we do tryouts to be placed in group a b or group c. In term 4 we do water safty and thats where we learn how to save someone if they are drowning or how to use a life jacket.The pool is also used at luchtimes during term 1 and 4 where kids can do anthing they want .
By Shaurya
Monday, 9 December 2013
The adventure playground by Logan Roesli
The adventure playground is used every break time. Everyone can play on it or everyone can just hang out there. At the GEIS school carnival we use the adventure playground for a coure that we do.
This is the slide it is part of the play ground. It is a cool place to hang out with your friends. There are two slides next to each other but when the slide is wet it is not fun because when you go down it you get wet.
by: sage theyers-cairns (:
by: sage theyers-cairns (:
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
The benches by Asha Burdess
The benches by the turf are the perfect place to eat at sit down lunch and a great place to hang out with your friends. there are 4 benches, and with some trees around them these seats are a fantastic and inspirational place where to sit to read a book, to talk, to write, etc... (:
The pool by Jaimee
The Pool
Our school pool is used only in the terms 1 and 4. It is used for swimming at lunch times, water safety and clubs outside of school use the pool for activities.
It is located near the S.P.E.C blocks and the school hall.
There is a deep end and a shallow end to the pool, it depends on how confident you are around water for which end you swim at. There are seats/bleachers on the edge of the pool for which you sit on when you are not entering the pool.
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
Playground by Nikisha
fun, exciting, plaful jungle gym the plaground is used every break and lunch time by the sudents of g.e.i.s we sometimes do races and obstacle courses.
There are monkey bars slides and even a rock climing wall.
There are monkey bars slides and even a rock climing wall.
The Adventure Playground By Keanau
The adventure playground is one of our two playgrounds it is the biggest playground in the school. It is used by some in Glen Eden Intermediate School everyday. There are only some events that happen on it only during athletics day for the obstacle course it is my favourite place to be.
Monday, 2 December 2013
Gymnasium by madi
BOOM CRASH BANG goes the soccer ball into the goal. "woooo hoooo fantastic goal" screamed the crowd.
The gymnasium is used for all kinds of things especially sports. In the gym there are lots of different markings on the ground that represent the different sports you can play in the gym.
Some of the sports you can play in the gym are soccer, netball, basket ball, hockey, dodge ball, and bagminton.
The gym is also ussed for assemblys. every 2nd monday we have full school assemblys. We have it in the gym so that all 4 mini schools fit in.
That is most of the stuff the gym is used for. :):):)
The gymnasium is used for all kinds of things especially sports. In the gym there are lots of different markings on the ground that represent the different sports you can play in the gym.
Some of the sports you can play in the gym are soccer, netball, basket ball, hockey, dodge ball, and bagminton.
The gym is also ussed for assemblys. every 2nd monday we have full school assemblys. We have it in the gym so that all 4 mini schools fit in.
That is most of the stuff the gym is used for. :):):)
Friday, 29 November 2013
The gym by Baden
When is it used ? different mini schools use the gym on separate days. Karekare uses it on a Monday and Wednesday , Piha uses the gym on a Friday, Te henga on a Thursday and Muriwai on a Tuesday.
Events Alot happens in the gym. Mostly sports. For example indoor soccer, doge ball, jump jam, netball etc.
Who uses it?. All of the mini school.
The Playground by Tyron Wood
The karekare playground is the biggest play ground at school,also it is the most popular play ground in the school.At the play ground there is a flying fox,Rock climbing wall,Ropes and alot more here are the reasons why it is the most popular play ground in the school. There are lots of activitys to do, the posbilitys are endless and it's the biggest play ground in the school.
By Tyron wood
By Tyron wood
Thursday, 28 November 2013
Muriwai playground by Claire Watson
The Muriwai playground is a place for fun and enjoyment. It's also a good place to play games like tag and sharks because it can be a challenge to the people who are in and not in. I think the Muriwai playground is a cool playground to hang out at because, if it is cold and you still have to go outside because you teacher says you have to, it has a wall that stops the wind from coming through.
Friday, 15 November 2013
The playground By Callum McGregor
the playground is a place where people can play games and socialise. The playground can be a place where your imagination can run wild. You can pretend that its a spaceship, a jungle or a dolly house and a whole lot more. The people who the playground are people who love adventure or survival some times the kindergarden kids come over a nd play in it when we are in class. It is the biggest and best playground in the school.
Monday, 11 November 2013
the playground by Cate.
The playground is an area located at the front of the school behind the muriwai classes. The students can use the the playground at breaks one and two and at lunch time. This playground is one of the two playgrounds at GEIS. The second playground is at the back of the school near the kare kare classes. On this playground there is lot's of play equipment including a flying fox, two rock walls, monkey bars, ropes to climb and more.the playground is painting in many different bright colours to make it a fun place to play. The playground is a great place where lot's of students at GEIS spend there breaks.
Tuesday, 5 November 2013
georgia dawson
The glen eden intermediate school swimming pool is an important part of the school. Not only do students from GEIS swim in the pool, but children from other schools can come to the school in the summer holidays for a swim. It provides the students with a fun way to spend their lunchtimes whilst exercising, and provides a great place for the school swimming sports.
The glen eden intermediate school swimming pool is an important part of the school. Not only do students from GEIS swim in the pool, but children from other schools can come to the school in the summer holidays for a swim. It provides the students with a fun way to spend their lunchtimes whilst exercising, and provides a great place for the school swimming sports.
Friday, 25 October 2013
The Playground By Joel Armstrong
The Karekare playground is the biggest playground in the school. The main features of this playground are the climbing wall, the slide and the flying fox.This is also the most popular playground at GEIS. The school playground is used eveyday except if it is a wet day. On the parade day at GEIS we have the obstacle course. This involves pupils trying to get first place so they can win minischool points. This will help win the sports shield at the end of each term. You race across the swingy monkeybars, then across the green monkeybars, then across the blue ropes, then across the other blue ropes,
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
GEIS Swimming pool
At GEIS we have the swimming pool to learn swimming but we will start swimming when it Summer season or we will start swimming on November.
We will use it when we learn P.E. and every mini school can use it but not the same time.
In the swimming pool we will learn to swimming and have fun in the swimming pool. So every time did we go to swimming we will very happy because out side is hot and in swimming pool is quiet cool.
Monday, 8 April 2013
1. Madi's Kitty Cat
Baking a cake on Saturday morning, I had put the sugar
in the bowl and separated the eggs. I heard a mysterious sound
coming from the bedroom. “EOooooooooW!!!” I put down my whisk and tip toed towards the noise.
A little nervous, but curious to discover what is behind the closed door. As I venture forward the noise intensifies but
I suspect it is just my kitty cat. I let out a sigh of relief and push
open the creaky door, I am shocked to find my pure white kitten covered in orange
craft paint. “Into the bath you go!”
2. Madi's Snap Shot
Piper and I had been wandering aimlessly around the
damp gardens at the rear of the museum, when we came apon the most beautiful
scene. To the left, smooth slate stairs strong and straight. To the right, soft
and subtle steps weaving their way through the bright green undergrowth of moss
and ferns. Just off the path a bird feeds in a little wooden house on a pole.
The taller trees form a canopy to protect us from the drizzle of rain as the
weather deteriorates. I don’t have a camera, so instead I take a picture with
my mind.
3. Madi's Nightmare
I am running, crashing through the bush, they are
getting closer and closer. My breathing
is hard and fast. Suddenly a branch leaps
into my path, as I duck beneath it my foot tangles with the vines growing
across the forest floor. I hit the ground hard.
Discouraged but not ready to give up, I clamber towards the bright light
shining through the thinning trees. The clearing only meters away, whatever it
is behind me is gaining speed and momentum.
My Mum stopped the car suddenly as I let out a scream. “It’s okay honey it was just a dream.”
Sunday, 7 April 2013
the war by josh
boom i can hear the gun shoots . Kapow I can hear the booms dropping from the helicopter. I can see blood alover the ground. But then i see my friend get shoot. I cried so bad. I go in shooting everywhere boom kapow I pick up my friend and he’s got shoot he’s bleeding but he will live. I look around I see a stairway I ran towards it and i ran down the stairs but its to late he’s dead. I try to help him but its to late the last words he said was win the war.

the car by josh
I was in my house watching tv and I saw this car on the road. It was a fancy car like a porch it was red and it was new. The people where playing around in the car going up and down the streets and making skid marks everywhere and a whole bunch of noise. They finely left the car in their driveway. I wanted to have a look. So I took big steps and when I got there the engine was running but no one there then it suddenly stopped so i ran home as fast as i could

The cat
I was separated from my mum. I heard a mysterious sound in the hallway. '' should I,'' I said to myself as I slowly walk to the door. Then suddenly a bright orange male cat sped past me. "It was just the cat," I said to myself but as I came back I saw my cat heading towards the bath. "No!" I shouted to the orange furry cat but it was too late. Splash! The cat went in the warm soapy water. Then I hear the most horrible sound a cat could ever make, like a lion just about to kill me.
I was separated from my mum. I heard a mysterious sound in the hallway. '' should I,'' I said to myself as I slowly walk to the door. Then suddenly a bright orange male cat sped past me. "It was just the cat," I said to myself but as I came back I saw my cat heading towards the bath. "No!" I shouted to the orange furry cat but it was too late. Splash! The cat went in the warm soapy water. Then I hear the most horrible sound a cat could ever make, like a lion just about to kill me.
Friday, 5 April 2013
The Lollipop Staircase by phoebe
All of a sudden there was a staircase in the middle of my house!! It was formed by lollipops and candy I was absolutely amazed I thought to myself should I explore this wonderful staircase by myself or should I get my mum and sisters?? Oh well I guess I will share so then I went to get my sisters then my mum then brought them to the stairs I said to them ''look its a staircase made out of lollipops and candy'' and then they said ''no its a gross.... foresty staircase with vines and branches but....but....but!!!!
When i was walking down the stairs
I was going to my m8s house. I saw a blue fence it was weird. So I carryed on walking. And then I got there. And I got there and we had some lunch.It was so nice. we went to mine. And we saw the blue fence and we looked over It. we saw this It was so so cool we went down It and we weher so amazed and we saw a dog it was cool and then my nana aperd we where happy cuse my nana is a ninja the end good day
Thursday, 4 April 2013
Vroom! Vroom! The car came speeding like a horse around the corner, I wasn't worried because my friend and I were playing football in our driveway. Vroom! The engine roared and it sounded like a monster roaring. Then the car started to get faster, louder, closer and I started wondering about what car it was. As it got closer the ground started to shake like an earthquake. I walked slowly towards the racing car and screech! The racing car suddenly stoped. I bumped into the car and fainted. After I gained consciousness I asked my self "Where am I ?"
By Shaurya
By Shaurya
The crassy driver by jennifer
Screech, suddenly the car stopped, several sets of tyres
burnt on the hot, dry concrete. The person in the pink car pulled out in front of
the car in front of us. She was in the lane next to us. She let the car in
front of us through, in front of herself but then decided to stop half way in
our lane. She rapidly started to speed of down into the horizon. Once we got
pass the set of traffic lights she swerved jaggedly back into the lane next to
us. Recklessly regaining control driving down into the street.
The forbiden forest by jennifer
morning I decided to ask my friends if they would like
to walk throw the dark forbiden forest. We
jumped the fence but to our suprise it was not all forset. There was a path, we
walked down it. It lead to a sudden trun. Tump! We turned suddenly. A small,
unstable tree feel over. We walked up one step then I noticed something odd. A
big old tree suddenly appared. We walked closer to it, there was something
about the tree that was odd. Like i have seen the tree before. We decided to go
home and sleep.

The movies, By Jaimee
I was heading to the movies with my friends, we were going to see a vampire movie that just come out, anyway so we were driving and the car suddeny stopped, the car had been making a sound like CLANG! the whole day, as I went to check what was wrong I opened the chipped bonnet of the car a big puff of smoke came out of the motor like smoke chugging out of a chimney, I had to call the towtrack because it was that bad, and my friends and I never got to see that movie that day.
Jayden.O. The mysterious walk, don don daaaaaaaaahhhhhhh
It was windy and cold, the track looked mysterious. My friend and I put
on our jackets and sat on the cold damp forest floor, listening eagerly to the tramping
instructor. The birds were chirping as loud as a motor bike revving at the
start of a race. The orange cat was stalking them waiting patiently in the long grass. 20 minutes into our walk the rest of the class were tired
and separated into groups to have lunch and a bath in the stream. The
wilderness out here in otago has a weird and eerie feeling to it . Crash!!!
the death staircase by callum
One day in 1973 builders built two staircases to see what
one was better. They chose two friends of the street. They got the kids to run
up the death stairs they thought the one on the right was better than they had
a race. But they didn’t know what was going to happen it was going to change their
lives forever and ever. The whistle when
off. The child on the left tripped and blood started to poor out of his leg he
had to be air lifted to hospital he was stuck in a wheelchair forever and ever…
NEK MINIT by phoebe
Left my scooter outside the dairy.......NEK MINIT the car stopped suddenly narrowly missing Drop Dead Fred escaping on my MGP, '' STOOOOOOOP '' I shouted as he sped at what seemed like a hundred miles an hour, across the road, down the ditch and face planted into the duck pond, I sprinted with all my might towards him, to go and help him get out of the ditch. I grabbed his hand it was all sloppy and muddy eeeeeew, but I had forgotten that he was a trickster and he pulls me into the bog.
The Car Stopped Suddenly by Joel
The car stopped suddenly.
“Nice Hummer!” I said to myself.
A guy walked out and slammed the car door with a bang. He had a thick bandana, baggy brown jeans with stains on them and a Nike sweatshirt.
“He looks scary”, I said with a quiver.
He approached me. I fumbled my step and fell over.
“You got any sugar?” he asked.
“W – what?” I replied confused.
“It’s my mum’s birthday tomorrow and I’m gonna bake her a cake.” He spoke in a deep voice.
“Ah .. no sorry” I breathed fearfully.
He just drove off without saying another word.
It was raining as I was waiting for a taxi. The cold wet rain kept me from falling alseep. As I buttoned up my soaking coat I saw a yellow car driving round a corner with letters saying taxi on the roof of the vehicle. '' Taxi!" I shouted to the driver. It looked like it was going to pass me but the automobile suddenly stopped in its tracks. The window facing me slid down and a tough looking man told me to get in. As I got into the car I hummed to myself quietly.
It was raining as I was waiting for a taxi. The cold wet rain kept me from falling alseep. As I buttoned up my soaking coat I saw a yellow car driving round a corner with letters saying taxi on the roof of the vehicle. '' Taxi!" I shouted to the driver. It looked like it was going to pass me but the automobile suddenly stopped in its tracks. The window facing me slid down and a tough looking man told me to get in. As I got into the car I hummed to myself quietly.
The Kingdom By Fenella

The fabulous holiday, by Asha
The car suddenly stopped, here we are, this is like
paradise. We finally got to the seaside village which was in the Spanish
turistic island. At this time everyone must have been in the beach, there was
no sign of people in the village, so we decided to leave our luggage at the
hotel first and then go for a swim at the beach. We all agreed that was a good
idea so we headed to the hotel and then made our way to the beach, after the
swim mum got us some ice cream and then we went to the famous restaurant called
‘La Marinera’ this couldn’t have been a better holiday.
Dinner, Jaimee
I'm cooking dinner, my sister is upstairs having a bubble bath, my mysterious orange cat is asleep on the fire place, and my mum is in the lounge watching soaps on T.V, wow not mentioning my dad is weird, my parents separated last year and it still feels confusing like when I'm doing long division. Anyway I'm cooking dinner for the first time at my mum's new house the kitchen feels too small, and the bench feels too big but cooking is the one thing I'm good at, CLANG!! OOPS I just dropped the new pasta pot on the ground.
Felix, by Asha
There he was, Felix, my orange cat, walking towars me
knowing what was going to occur as son as he hoped onto the delightful and cozy
sofa. But he didn’t jump onto the couch, instead he just lay on the mat deeply
staring into my eyes. There was something mysterious about this cat. He
finally cameo to the sofa and onto my lap, then I noticed something was really
smelly, It was him, Felix. I decided to give him a bath. As soon as I
entered the bathroom wit Felix in my hands, I approached to the sink, where I was
going to clean him. Then I realised, as I turned the water on, that the soaps
had been separated one from another. As I turned to put them back toghether I
noticed Felix was gone.
stopped by cate
My bronzed arm hung out the of the open window of the
car as we drove along the bumpy road in Darwin Australia. My favourite Taylor swift song was pumping
through my head phones as I nodded to the beat. The black leather seat of our car was hot
beneath me and was burning my legs as we drove. I turned my head to look at my
dad driving the car, a look of sheer concentration on his face as negotiated the sharp corners and avoided animals suddenly running across the road as we
drove along. And then we stopped...
The Forest, Jaimee
As I climbed down the creepy set of stairs, I listened intently to see if I could hear the wind whispering the words of help from the missing souls that have ventured into the forest and have never returned. As soon as I reached the bottom of the slippery set of stairs, I looked around to see if there was a way through the dark forest without leaving the track and saw another slope with stairs going up it. As I started climbing up them I heard something, SNAP!!, I turned quickly to see a dark figure staring at me.

by georgia
I shivered as I walked down the isolated road in the middle
of nowhere. I walked barefoot and the sharp gravel was making my feet bleed. I didn’t
know where I was going, the darkness engulfed everything. Crunch! It was the
sound of gravel under car tyres. I would know that sound anywhere. I looked
back, but it was pointless as I could see nothing but blackness. Then suddenly
there was a blur of lights as a bright red car whizzed down the road. The car suddenly stopped, the window rolled
down, and a deep voice said ‘get in’.
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