Friday, 29 March 2013

Knock, Knock by phoebe

Suddenly a mysterious orange bath with a cat in it popped out of nowhere
it scared me at first it felt like my body seperated from my skin
it doesn't sound very amusing so far but wait,it gets sooo much better
suddenly the cat jumped out of the bath and guess where it jumped too??
oooooooowwwwww!! My face, it hurts somebody get this creature off me
then knock knock may I be of any assistance?? Well yes please
would you mind getting this cat off my face that would be lots of help
Thanks but, who are you??


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Mrs Fraser - I like how you have used some WOW words like creature and assistance. Can you edit this again and see if you could add a few more? I also like how you started your first sentence. When you are editing can you also add more full stops to make more sentences. This will help make your writing more interesting for the reader.
