Monday, 25 March 2013

cate: the day

As I stood around the small ancient bath i fingered the floral patterns covering the bowl. I placidly listened to my grandmother screech about the importance of this day, my 16th birthday. As she continued a stray cat curled beneath my feat licking happily and my toes. With every lick I felt a gush of warmth spread through my cold body. I enjoyed this feeling until she pointed her wrinkled finger toward the mysterious orange liquid in the bowl I felt a rush of nerves fill my body. I stretched out my shaking hand and placed it into the bath...  


  1. Mrs Fraser
    Great start Cate, exactly one hundred words. I like the descriptive language you have used. I would now like you to go back and make sure you always use a capital I when it is needed and to check your spelling.

  2. ho caty thats so awsome especially when you used really descriptive words!!:p
    from tammy wammy
